However, likelihood is you currently have come across some very negative suggestions as to how you can cure hair loss. Before you take another detour, take a look at the following facts that oppose some of the most common myths about hair care and hair loss.
1. Standing on your head will make your hair thicker
It is quite amusing. You have probably gone over a website that contains seemingly well-researched, logical recommendations about hair loss therapies for women. Also, such a website has made the ludicrous suggestion that you stand on your head for 30 minutes a day.
Such suggestion claims that doing so can increase the blood flow to your head, and as a result, stimulation of dormant hair follicles can be developed. It is indeed true that stimulation blood circulation towards the scalp aids in transporting nutrients to the scalp, hence invigorating the cells and tissues of the hair follicles.
That feat however is best accomplished through therapeutic massages and application of essential oils, which are alternative scalp treatment options. Standing on your head can basically lead to injury and inundation of blood towards your scalp, causing no improvement to the hair loss condition.
2. Do not style, blow-dry, or use hairbrush for your hair
This is one of the most elementary hair loss myths. Many people have told you not to brush, blow-dry, or basically do every other type of hairstyling to avoid making your hair fall out.
The gist of this issue is that hair breakage is different from hair loss and telling ladies not to style their hair is no solution for female hair loss.
What you have to realize is that hair brittleness or split-ends is different from hair fall. Styling, blow-drying, and frequently brushing the hair is regarded to cause destruction to healthy hair shafts and cause split-ends, but they don’t cause the hair to fall any quicker.
Brushing the hair may result to pulling out of hair strands—which is a natural occurrence since 50 to 100 hair shafts tend to naturally fall out every day—but this doesn’t result to excessive shedding of hair.
3. Cutting your hair will make it grow back thicker
This myth has been taken for a fact for centuries. Folks around the globe have insisted that cutting your hair will make way for hair growth with thicker hair shafts. This myth is deduced from the case that upon shaving hair off, what grows in its place are the root parts of coarser hair strands.
A newly grown strand is basically thick at the roots but the rest of the length through to the tip gets thinner. Throughout the course of hair growth, the hair shaft is exposed to various environmental substances such as friction and chemicals from hairstyling. Eventually, such exposure causes a decrease in the thickness of the hair shaft at the roots.
Should you cut your hair off, the fate of the newly grown hair strands will be identical to the ones that were cut off. The new growth of hair will be no thicker, fuller, or richer in volume.
4. There’s nothing you can do stop hair loss
This could be the most significant myth of them all. You have probably heard men and women say that the reversal of hair loss is impossible. The usual blame is on genetics, onset of old age, or some other inevitable physiological condition. All of which are false.
There’s no such thing as an uncontrolled or inevitable cause of hair loss. The aim of hair loss therapy for women is to manipulate or take full control of her lifestyle, from which the problem has stemmed.
It is a very realistic and doable goal. Anyone who advises otherwise is basically saying that they didn’t have enough willpower and determination to cure hair loss and assuming that probably the same applies to you.
When it comes to cures for female hair loss, getting a hold of the facts can prove to be challenging and tasking, which is why we have this list to make things easier for you in coming up with an effective hair loss treatment for women.
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